
PROJET 011 ︎︎︎
Visual identity + 3D illustrations
2020 — 2023


    From podium website design and product simulations to illustration, the projects are many and varied. Following the COVID-19 crisis, Hermès set out to digitalize the podium.    

    Illustrations for the Customer Experience - Leather Goods team, invitations for the Herbag novelty, "Create your own".

@Hermès atelier, Paris — FR

PROJET 010 ︎︎︎
Editorial design + Illustrations
2019 — 2020


    This pack showcases the leftovers from my trip to Barcelona during June 2019. A trace, a proof of travel, a form of life. Here, I demonstrate that travel is meant to be mobile, discovering the world through one's own eyes and creating one's own memories. The "Clic!" edition illustrates the intangible, the felt through sketches made in the moment, and the real through photographs.

    The drawings, "feelings", are juxtaposed with the photographs, "reality". The tracing reveals the fragility of the feelings experienced during the photographic process. The two complement each other, but can also stand alone. These memories highlight the relationship between the intimate and the extimate.

@Barcelona — SP

PROJET 009 ︎︎︎
Identity visual for a movie
2021 — 2022


    Edouard Mercier is a thirty year old man living in Japan since his transfer, in the new technologies sector. Since he moved to Japan, he has been struggling with depression and loneliness in this new city where he finds himself alone.

    The engineer Hayato Takumi, his office colleague, offers him to be a guinea pig for one of his first inventions. He has imagined a machine capable of reading buried dreams, thanks to sensory sensors.

    Edouard Mercier revisits his dreams, however, the nightmares he slept through resurface. One of them in particular, that he had as a child, disturbs him, which pushes him to return to France to solve this mystery. Were the nightmares he had as a child a reflection of those forgotten years ? 

With @pan.gram.pangram ; @mockup.maison ; @gercraftwork ; @lstore_graphics

@Festival de Cannes — (FR)

PROJET 008 ︎︎︎


    Miam is a collaborative, self-published magazine of artistic research and experimentation. It's the brainchild of a group of friends from Toulouse who want to unite around a common creation and discover young artists with great potential.

    It brings together designers, graphic artists, aspiring writers and students of art, cinema and social sciences. MIAM magazine is produced by a local printer, in an eco-responsible way, on 100% recycled paper. Here, issue 4 with the theme: micro / macro.

@Toulouse— FR

Project 007 ︎︎︎
2019 — 2020


    When we go on a trip, we're connected to our smart-phone 24 hours a day, to give news to loved ones, find our bearings on GoogleMap, take photos, read e-mails from work... In short, travel no longer disconnects us and doesn't reconnect us with the surrounding environment. We've become dependent on our nomadic technological devices, which we take everywhere with us. The nature of solitude and distance calls them into question, as does "time". These devices are changing our relationship to space-time.

    Inspired by the current facts that we all encounter today, in the face of the coronavirus, notably confinement, where we can no longer move around freely. For everyone's health, it's our duty to stay at home. There's a very close link between stay-cation (cf. the thesis) and the compulsory confinement we're undergoing.

@ESDM, Marseille — FR